Richard Uzelac is the Founder and CEO of Several Companies. One of those companies is RealtyTech Inc.
My favorite title is “Richard Uzelac, Client Helper.” [ Not to be confused with Richard Uzelac, Hamburger Helper. Which sounds similar, but it way different. Trust me.]
Before I get into details, here are the Top 8 Real Estate Lead Generation Techniques in a Buyer’s Market:
Have Your Website Show Up on the First Page of Google
Add Helpful Content to Your Blog/Website Often.
Engage with Clients, Prospects and People that Live in Your Geographically Target Market on Social Media
Hire Someone to Run Facebook Ads to Your Target Avatars or Learn How to do it Yourself.
Spend Time Creating a Strong Referral Network
Create Neighborhood Events, Activities in your Farm Area
Create a Highly Geo-Targeted Real Estate Podcast
Join Networking Groups in Your Market Area
Now that you know the top 8 lead generating techniques for real estate in a buyer’s market (Or Richard Uzelac’s Elite 8), let’s dive deeper into each and every one.
Have Your Website Show Up on the First Page of Google
I know a lot of you are rolling your eyes on this one. I can hear you saying, “Richard Uzelac is out of touch. Doesn’t he know Zillow, Trulia,, etc. are hogging the first page of Google for like, everywhere?” I hear you. It is hard, but it can be done, if you are willing to work at it. The key is define as small an area you can the will still yield you enough business to make you happy. For example, pick your farm area, if it has a recognizable name. One Client we had picked two gated communities he has as a farm. Both have recognizable names and enough homes (about 500) for him to generate consistent sales and listings every month. Think small defined areas and win big.
Add Helpful Content to Your Blog/Website Often.
Google cares about their searchers more than anything else. Happy searchers mean big dollars for Google. Take advantage of that and offer those prospects helpful unique content each week. Blog posts should be at least 600 words and the more the better. Just remember to format your posts or articles so they are easy to read and provide valuable insights and information that people would find helpful.
Engage with Clients, Prospects and People that Live in Your Geographically Target Market on Social Media
Engage people in your target areas with Social Media. Let them know you are the expert in their area. Give them helpful lists of Restaurants, Activities, Events, Businesses, etc. In addition let them know about activities in their areas, but balance that with other non-real estate information.
Hire Someone to Run Facebook Ads to Your Target Avatars or Learn How to do it Yourself.
Right now, in 2019, Facebook ads are producing a lot of leads for agents nationwide. Properly created with proper calls to action ads will pay big dividends over time. Consistency if the key. Hire a company like RealyTech Inc. to provide a constant stream of live unique leads from Facebook or study and learn how to did it yourself.
Spend Time Creating a Strong Referral Network
You have your market of expertise and other agents have theirs. Selling outside your area can be time consuming and less than success for all parties. Being an expert in an area has a lot of value. SO, go out and connect with the best out of your area and build a network. Great networks meet on a regular basis and share info, stories, challenges, techniques and more. The also share deals! Win-Win.
Create Neighborhood Events, Activities in your Farm Area
You need to get away from your phone and laptop and get out there were the people are! Be a fixture in your community. Add something of value for other outgoing people in your market. People like to work with people they know, become that person by sponsoring Yard Sales, Holiday Events, Church Activities, Food Drives, anything that pulls people together.
Create a Highly Geo-Targeted Real Estate Podcast
A Podcast is described as:
“a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.” Having a targeted real estate podcast and advertising it on your website, blog, business card, or even your car, will drive people to the podcast. If they like your podcast and mannerisms, they will naturally turn to your expert advise on who can help them buy or sale real estate: You! Even if they don’t listen to it, just having a podcast like “Richard Uzelac’s Waverly Meadows Today” podcast will solidify your expertise in their minds.
Join Networking Groups in Your Market Area
Networking Groups can be a huge boost for your business. I’ve personally made a large percentage of our companies’ revenue from belonging to the right networking groups, AND I’ve help others do the same in those groups. The right group will not only grow your revenue, it will support your efforts and some of the members can become great friends. Another serious Win-Win for everyone.
Well there you have it, short and sweet. Grab a few of these ideas (or all of them!) and run with them. Get out there and get involved. Each of these, as you can probably see, feed off each other. The online gets better for you with the offline endeavors and vice versa. The interpersonal activities help the digital activities and so on. So, get out there and have a great year and a more fulfilling life!
About Richard Uzelac:
Richard Uzelac is the CEO of several businesses including
RealtyTech Inc,
GoMarketing and
Insurance Web Pros. Mr. Uzelac is a former Director of,,, and
Richard Uzelac started in Real Estate in 1983 (Yeah, he’s getting up there.) and became a highly successful real estate agent, office owner and real estate technology teacher and speaker.
Richard Uzelac is available as a speaker for groups and offices.
Please call 805.413.7893 to get in touch with him.